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           In Local moving

          The only thing worse than rain on your wedding day is rain on your moving day. Mother nature is notoriously unpredictable, throwing a spanner in the works for even the most meticulously planned moving day blueprints. Murphy’s Law also dictates that it will likely start pouring on the one day in a decade you’ve planned to uproot your life, family, and things.

          Don’t let a torrential downpour ruin your plans. Moving in the rain is possible, and here are 9 top tips to get from A to B, dry and in one piece – meaning your family, your movers, and your belongings.


          moving in rain plastic wrap

          1. Prep Wrapping Materials in Advance

          No one likes to move in the rain, but if nature gives you the short straw on M-Day, you’ll have to make do. Keeping your belongings dry and moisture-free is crucial, so be sure to cover your furniture with moving pads followed by plastic wrap. It may seem like a nuisance, but the hassle will be well worth it when you’re things are not ruined beyond repaid on the other side. 

          And no, moving blankets are not waterproof, and they won’t keep your stuff dry. In fact, they’re not even water-resistant, and relying on them to protect your belongings will only leave you disappointed and your things soaked.

          Keep this rain-moving supplies list handy:

          • Plastic furniture covers
          • Clear plastic wrap
          • Plastic moving boxes
          • Mattress bags (check for the right size)
          • Garbage bags


          moving in rain umbrella

          2. Prevent Accidents Before They Happen

          It should go without saying that moving in rain puts everyone involved at a higher risk of slipping and falling. This can be particularly dangerous for anyone carrying heavy boxes. You can protect your family and your helpers by proactively lining the warpath from a storage room to a truck.

          Some good ideas for floor coverings include cardboard sheets, tarps, old carpets and rugs, and large towels. Keep plenty of the latter on standby – towels will also come in handy for drying off excess moisture once you reach your destination. And that goes for both your belongings and your people!

          You might also want to consider stocking up on some absorbent, non-slip mats, especially for placing at the entryway of your home or office building. Having several on hand is always a good idea if messy ones need replacing later in the morning or afternoon. You may be surprised to learn what durable non-slip mats you can pick up at your local dollar store.

          A huge part of accident mitigation also involves kitting everyone out with appropriate footwear. Save your slippery sandals for the beach and opt for shoes with rubber soles on moving day instead. Sneakers and hiking shoes also work well.

          Stock up on rain moving supplies in advance, like:

          • An umbrella (or three)
          • Change of clothes
          • Caps/hats
          • A pop-up tent or old gazebo (to act as a drying station at the back of the moving truck)


          moving in rain prepare home

          3. Prepare Your Destination for the Movers

          If at all possible, try to beat the movers in the race to your new place. Making some time to prep the destination for their arrival can mean the difference between anarchy and harmony.

          Pre-steps for moving in rain:

          • If the rain is accompanied by cold weather, turn up the heat ahead of time if you can. Not only will this remove excess moisture from the air, but you’ll also make your movers’ arrival that much more comfortable.
          • Lay out a welcome mat. Aside from making the movers feel valued, you’ll also protect your new space from all that mud. While you’re down there on the floor, you could also consider laying out dry cardboard boxes to ensure a safe, anti-slip surface for the team.
          • Remember those towels we spoke about earlier? Now would be a good time to start laying some out, and keep several on standby for your movers to wipe themselves and your belongings down.


          moving in rain garbage bags

          4. Preapre Plastic and Garbage Bags

          Garbage bags have many uses, and moving in the rain is one of them. Apart from lining the road from room to truck with them, you’ll need them to waterproof your cargo. If you wake on moving day to the dreaded sound of pitter-pattering on your window, relax and start covering your boxes with the garbage bags you’ve (hopefully) stocked up on.

          Garbage bags work well for almost anything that needs to be moved, from general household items to books, electronics, and even clothes. For the latter, you can make a small hole in the bag to stick a hanger through. You won’t believe how many people plan to simply roll a garment rack onto the truck, cover it with a sheet, and hope for the best. 

          If it’s raining, “the best” simply isn’t a possibility.

          Tips to protect your belongings when moving on a rainy day:

          • Wrap artwork and wall décor in plastic wrap
          • Line the inside of your boxes to create a barrier
          • Reinforce damaged or weak boxes with packing tape
          • Stock up on shrink wrap for more valuable items like antiques
          • Pack clothes and paper items in garbage bags
          • Consider covering furniture in comforters


          moving in rain move everything in one room

          5. Keep Everything in One Room

          Whether it’s dripping or pouring outside, you’ll want to minimize the amount of moisture your possessions and movers are exposed to. Less time spent in the rain means less damage. A smart way to control this is to have everything ready in one single room ahead of M-Day, preferably closest to where the truck will park.

          Whether this is the living room or garage, having everything in one area will give you one less thing to worry about on a rainy moving day. Also, be sure to ask your moving company to park their weatherproof moving truck as close to your building as possible – but Montreal’s top movers won’t need reminding.


          moving in rain assembly line

          6. Make an Assembly Line

          Failing to plan is planning to fail. If you really want to go the extra mile in terms of preparedness, try to prioritize your items as far as possible. For example, if it’s raining hard, you’ll thank yourself for having placed your less-valuable belongings first in line on your “conveyer belt”, saving your most important items for last, like furniture, bedding, mattresses, and anything else that cannot get wet at any cost.

          Setting up an assembly line for rainy day moves is also a smart way to keep the rest of your home free from rain and mud. You can keep the mess to a minimum by having a pre-determined path to follow, with your boxes and furniture organized in order of value and importance.

          You could also consider assigning specific roles to all the helping hands that’ll be present on M-Day, like 1-2 people carrying boxes from room to door, and another 1-2 people carrying from door to truck. Not only will this minimize mud and mess, but it’ll also make for a faster and more efficient move. Minimizing people’s movement will also keep them safer throughout the rainy moving day.


          moving in rain moisture management

          7. Be Prepared to “Moisture-Manage”

          No matter how efficiently you prepare for moving on a rainy day, it’s sometimes impossible to keep moisture at bay completely, making it crucial to have a back-up plan. Once you reach your new home or office, it would be wise to set some time aside to unpack as quickly as possible, prioritizing any boxes that got wet to prevent too much water from seeping through.

          We know that unpacking will likely be the last thing you want to do after a long day of moving. But the sooner you unpack compromised items, the less damage you can expect. You’ll definitely thank yourself later. And we’re sure it goes without saying that wet cardboard boxes should be thrown away – even if they’re dry, mildew and mould are still a possibility. Some people plan out a loading and unloading strategy/checklist to keep things flowing as smoothly as possible, leaving nothing to chance and zero room for guesswork.

          Tips to manage excess water:

          • Check for leaks in the moving truck
          • Wipe down your belongings with towels the moment they move through the door
          • Assign someone specifically to water clean-up duty throughout the day
          • Pack electronics in your own car if possible


          moving in rain check weather

          8. Check the Weather

          This would likely be your first instinct with a move on the horizon, and while it’s not always 100% accurate, it’s good to have an idea of what to be prepared for. Knowing what weather to expect will also help you plan for what clothes to leave out the night before, so everything else can be packed and ready to go. And remember – weather predictions can change. Check the forecast every day leading up to the big move, from a couple of weeks before if you can.


          moving in rain relax after move

          9. RELAX!

          The thought of moving in rain can be daunting, but it’s not as impossible to navigate as you might think. Try not to stress over things you can’t control, like the weather. Panicking won’t solve anything, and as long as you’ve planned as much as possible using the tips above – and provided you stay focused and sufficiently caffeinated – you’ll likely have very little to worry about. The good news is that few moves actually have to be rescheduled owing to rain, unless gale-force winds, lightning, or hail rear their ugly heads and threaten physical harm to you and your people.

          moving in rain stcmovers


          Is it safe to move furniture in the rain?

          Moving furniture in the rain isn’t easy, but it’s possible. Wet surfaces put people at a higher risk of slips and falls, while moisture can cause damage if you don’t have a plan in place. It’s important to stock up on rain moving supplies and hire a pro moving team that knows what they’re doing.

          Will the rain ruin my furniture?

          The less time your furniture spends in the rain, the better. Be sure to shorten the distance from room to truck in order to minimize damage, especially to wood.

          How do movers handle furniture when it’s raining?

          Never underestimate the importance of an assembly line, which minimizes mud and water in your home while ensuring a faster and more efficient moving process. Speak to our movers in Montreal for more.

          Moving in Montreal Soon? Get a Free Quote!

          If the sun is shining, great. But if mother nature decides to rain on your parade, it’s crucial to have a plan in place to safely move your things from A to B. STC Movers can tackle your trek either way.

          As one of Montreal’s top movers, we know a thing or three about moving in rain, and we can handle (almost) anything mother nature throws our way.

          Our team, techniques, and weatherproof moving trucks are all in the best possible shape to handle rainy day moves for your peace of mind. Yours won’t be our first rodeo, and we have more than our fair share of experience with moving in the rain.

          Submit the form or call us at +1 (514) 418-4466 directly for a free quote. Good luck with your upcoming move, and stay tuned for more moving tips soon.

          About Author

          Owner/Founder – STC Movers

          I’m Pavel, and I run this company, with the unwavering support of my wife and kids. My team shares my values: we work hard, care about the outcome and want every single customer to feel good about doing business with us.